Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Simulated car racing competition

I am running the simulated car racing competition for CIG 2007. The problem is a bit different from the versions of the car racing problem we've been exploring so far in that there are no walls, and the next two waypoints are visible to the controller. But there are similarities as well - in fact, quite a bit of the simulation code is reused from my earlier experiments...

Please consider taking part in the competition - the final rules are not online yet (will be really soon, promise), but the code is there for you to start playing around with. It will be really interesting to see what sort of controller the winner will be - hand-coded? Evolved neural network? Fuzzy logic? Genetic programming? Learned through temporal difference learning? Something completely different? (Probably it will be some sort of hybrid of man and machine efforts. Hybrids always win in the end.)

So, off you go. Have a look at the competition, and start designing your controllers.

Yes, I mean you.


  1. wow, seems very interesting... but is it necessary to personally attend CIG07 in Honolulu in order to partecipate? would be quite interesting in that case... :-)

  2. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think you will have to attend to participate. I'll look into that. Of course you would want to be there, I'm sure about that...

    I keep complaining to people that I have to go to places like Vancouver and Hawaii as part of what I do, but they never feel any sympathy for me. Strange.

  3. ... I admit I should have seemed drunk or whatever, given the previous way that going to HW could ever reduce the coolness factor of the competition from 'very' to 'quite', I guess :-D
    (just noticed your comment): I know I know, it's an hard work, but somebody has to do it... surely when I'll finally get accepted at some conference, the venue will be not that interesting, though, you can bet it.
    Too bad the call for papers is closing in 5 days.

  4. This is the deal: anyone can enter the competition, and their results will be acknowledged if they make it to the top list. But in order to officially win the competition you need to be registered at and attend the conference.
