Friday, April 24, 2009

How fun is Super Mario Bros?

Do you want to participate in some research? Please?

It's simple. Go to this address, play two levels of Super Mario Bros, and answer some questions about them. (Actually, it's not the "real" Super Mario game, but a customized version with some differences - you'll see!)

It's all part of a project that I'm involved in together with Chris Pedersen and Georgios Yannakakis at ITU. We're trying to investigate certain factors that affect entertainment in platform games and how to automatically optimize levels in such games. You'll hear about the results soon enough...

So, please play a game and contribute to science!


  1. Hey! Great idea! I'd really want to participate, but when I open the link ( the applet doesn't start, and I get an error message at the bottom of the screen which reads:

    update: I followed the links under the original applet, and I could play :)
    Great experience... I'll be waiting for the results...
    Question: Do you generate the 2nd set of levels based on the first survey? I found them a lot more fun to play :)

  2. Hey man, read about this on Offworld! Cool project!
